In this article I’m writing about a simple library which does only one thing but really well.
Liner allows to easily and intuitively read (large) files line by line.
$liner = new Liner('path/to/a/file'); // or SplFileObject instance
// Read the whole file
// Only the first line
// Only the second line
$liner->read(1, 1);
// Read 100 lines starting with the 6th line
$liner->read(100, 5);
// You can also pass a closure as a third argument to mutate the result without iterating over it
$iHateExclamationMarks = $liner->read(0, 0, function($file, $line) {
return str_replace('!', '', $line);
// almost forgot to mention that you can get the number of lines
// and that you can also delegate methods to SplFileObject
Why is it useful?
First of all, I tried to make this file reader easy to use.
Second advantage of Liner is its speed and efficiency. It has been tested on a number of huge files including those with more than 5 million rows and proved itself to be a fast and efficient file reader.
It’s also useful when you have to read HUGE CSV files.
Here’s how you can read a CSV file:
$delimiter = ',';
$liner = new Liner('path_to_a_huge.csv');
$csvAsArray = $liner->read(0, 0, function($file, $line) use ($delimiter) {
return explode($delimiter, $line);
Easy, huh?
Please note that I don’t mean that Liner replaces a fully featured CSV reader. For example, the snippet above doesn’t work in a situation like this:
"some, value", "another, value"
If you want to give it a try, here’s how:
composer require mobileka/liner
And sometimes I find myself looking for the following line:
"mobileka/liner": "1.0.*"
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